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NetX Network Tools PRO

Do you want to Download NetX Network Tools PRO on PC [Windows and Mac]?But how??? if this is the question, then you are on the right path, do not worry we are here to sort this out the for you. This article will guide you in detail that how to Download NetX Network Tools PRO on PC [Windows and Mac]? So, keep reading this article hopefully you will get what you want. But if still you need any Help please write in the comment section below.

NetX Network Tools PRO is an App which belongs to Tools Category. If you want to Configure NetX Network Tools PRO on PC [Windows and Mac] then first download NetX Network Tools PRO from Direct Link.

Currently NetX Network Tools PRO has Version with 100,000+ number of installs. It requires 4.1 and up Android Version with 4.6 out of 5.0 Rating respectively.


Network scanner: – Discovers all devices connected at the network. – Displays most important information for each device connected, IP Address, MAC Address, Vendor, Bonjour Name, NetBIOS Name and Domain, UPnP Name, Manufacturer and Model Name. – Wake On LAN (WOL): switch on a remote device from your phone or tablet when you are connected via wifi or with a mobile data connection. – Secure SHell (SSH): put a remote device in sleep mode or shutdown from your phone or tablet when you are connected via wifi or with a mobile data connection. Displays the operative system version installed on the remote device. (In the remote device must be installed and started a SSH server) – Loads off-line all devices of a network previously detected. – Adds a new network or a new device manually in order to manage all functionality for a no detected device. Network analyser: – Shows information about the wifi connection (external IP, signal strength, download and upload speed, subnet mask, gateway, DNS). – Shows information about the mobile provider (external IP, signal strength, download and upload speed, CID, LAC, MCC, MNC). – Wifi scan: find nearby wifi and displays SSID, signal strength, channel, encryption. – Shows graphically the band width and the overlapping between channels of wifi networks. – Network monitor. Monitoring and diagnostics remote devices: shows CPU usage, RAM usage and displays the available memory inside the disks. – Network security- Monitoring access to network wifi. Receive notification when a new device or an unknown device connects to the network. Net tools: – Ping tools. It's possible to ping every device connected and any hostname or IP Address. – Port scanner to scan the most common port used. – Themes available. – Available languages: Czech, German, Greek, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Chinese. – Traceroute shows the route of packets that are sent from the smartphone to target host. It's possible to see the route also on the map. – IP calculator: this tool calculate the network parameters like netmask, CIDR, ip address range hosts number etc… – IP location shows the position of the IP address on the map. – MAC address lookup allow to get the vendor from MAC address. – DNS lookup allow to get the IP address of the domain, mail server etc. Reverse DNS is supported. – Network position shows the position on the map of the network scanned. – Backup/Restore data on the local folder or with google drive. – Speed test: this tool calculate the download speed and upload speed. – Supported tethering mode – IPv6 supported for Ping, Traceroute, Port Scan and IP Calculator Follow me on Twitter @developerNetGEL in order to share ideas, opinions, support and to be informed about new release.

Addtional Information

Name:NetX Network Tools PRO
Requires Android:
4.1 and up
Google Play-URL:

Download NetX Network Tools PRO For PC Windows

  1. First, download and install Android App Emulator completely.
  2. After downloading and setup, open App Emulator.
  3. Now in App Emulator click on the Search button in the first line on the app emulator home screen.
  4. Now in the search box, type NetX Network Tools PRO and get the manager on Google Play Search.
  5. Click on the app and install it.
  6. Once installed, you will find NetX Network Tools PRO in all apps in Android App Emulator, click to open it.
  7. Use the right mouse button/click to use this application.
  8. Follow the instructions on the screen to learn about NetX Network Tools PRO and to play it properly
  9. That’s all.

Download NetX Network Tools PRO for Android and tablet devices

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Google Play Store: Download


That’s all guys for configuring and to Download NetX Network Tools PRO on PC [Windows and Mac] , hopefully, you’ve enjoyed this tutorial and find it useful.
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Until then Peace out!!!!

The NetX I/O application comes in two different forms:

  1. Desktop App (Mac OS and Windows)
  2. CLI Tool (Linux, Mac OS, Windows)

This article will familiarize you with the CLI (command-line interface) version. While the Desktop version makes it easy to set up multiple syncs, along with drag and drop importing, there are cases where you'll want to programmatically drive NetX I/O. For example, the CLI allows you to set up various sync point on a workgroup file server. It runs 'headless' (no user interface), and can be easily wrapped in shell scripts and scheduled via cron (or others). The NetX I/O CLI is packages as a Jar file, and is executed with Java.


This outlines the steps needed to start running the NetX I/O command-line tool. This illustrates setting it up in 'sync' mode, but if you want to use the tool in WatchedFolder or any other mode, the steps are almost the same.

Windows users: NetX I/O requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable to be installed before it can run. For instructions on how to obtain this package, see

Step 1: Make sure JDK is installed locally

You can test this on Linux or Mac by typing: 'java -version' to check the Java version. Like this:

If the version printed is anything other than '1.8.x', you will need to download a supported version of Java from Oracle:

Step 2: Download the NetX I/O jar file

You can download the appropriate version (eg '') from our Service Portal, found in the /Modules/NetX I/O folder.

Step 3: Create a work location folder


Create a folder on your workstation for NetX I/O to write files. For the sake of illustration, let's say you're on a Mac, and you create a NetXIO folder inside your home directory:

Step 4: Copy over the jar file

Copy the file into your work location folder. Eg:

Step 5: Create your sync folder

The storage location you created in Step 3 is simply for managing administrative files. Now you need to choose or create a new folder that will be the root of all the synced sub-folders and files. Again, to illustrate, we'll add one off the Desktop; here for example:

Really, you can call this anything you like, and it can live anywhere. Just choose something convenient to use. Do NOT nest the work location folder inside of your sync folder.

Step 6: Create (or choose) your sync folder (in NetX)

You can choose any folder that is not a top-level folder. However, please choose wisely: it's better choose a folder whose sub-structure is not very large. You can, but the sync times, bandwidth, and local storage requirements will obviously increase. Make sure that you are choosing a folder that the account you are running NetX under has appropriate access permissions.

For our example, we'll choose this folder in NetX:

Step 7: Create (or choose) a user (in NetX)

NetX I/O logs into NetX using supplied credentials for a pre-existing user, and actions will be performed on behalf of that user. It's best to create a separate account for your NetX I/O user. If you were to log in to NetX and then log out as the same user logged in via NetX I/O, it disrupts the processes in I/O. If you're running NetX I/O in Sync mode, you must configure it to run with an Administrator-level user. For Watched Folder mode, a Producer-level user (or higher) is required. You will need to know the username and password for that user you want to log into NetX with.


Step 8: Start NetX I/O

On a Mac, you can open a terminal, and type the following:

Ensure the 'cp' directive is placed before the class (, or it will be interpreted as a parameter to the class. Instead, this is intended for Java. Also, this process could potentially use a large amount of RAM (depending on the total sync size; it will need to hold the entire local state map in memory, twice to compare). So in this example the Java heap is set to start with 512MB (-Xms512M) and can utilize up to 1024MB (-Xmx1024M). This is just an example.

Most of this should now be familiar to you, including the library directory, the username, password, folder, directory and local storage. But to formalize this, here's each flag with corresponding details (please refer to the Usage article for more details and options):

ParameterExample ValueDetails
This parameter sets the minimum memory for NetX IO. 512MB of RAM is usually sufficient. This parameter MUST come before ''.
This parameter sets the maximum memory for NetX IO. 1024MB of RAM is usually sufficient. This parameter MUST come before ''.
This parameter sets the Java classpath and must point to the NetX library directory. This parameter MUST come before ''.
This is the URL of your NetX server instance.
This is the username of your NetX user.
This is the password of your NetX user.
This is the folder (or 'category') in NetX which files and folders will sync.
This is the local directory where folders and files are synced with the NetX server.
This sets NetX I/O into 'Watched Folder' mode.
Local storage for NetX I/O administrative files, including logs, clientId data file, and lostandfound folder. Please see storage capacity note below.

This is actually not usually recommended. But setting up certificates is out of scope for a quick start guide.
This sets NetX I/O to run the sync process every 15 minutes.

If you start NetX I/O using the terminal, you may want to background that process, because not doing so and closing the terminal will quit NetX I/O. Additionally, you may also want to add this command to your workstation startup items. There are many ways to deploy this tool more robustly, but that's out of scope for this quick start. This article's purpose is simply to get you up and running quickly.

Be aware of the capacity of the underlying storage when configuring the 'localStorageDir' setting. If imports encounter significant errors, failed import files will be copied to the 'lost and found' directory under this path. If that storage facility runs out of space, that will lead to secondary (and critical) errors with NetX I/O.

If the user account running I/O does not have appropriate access permissions to the NetX folders it is trying to sync, an error will be received:

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Step 9: Start using the sync

Drop folders and/or files into your local sync folder, and/or import new files into NetX. Wait for the loop time, and then see the folders and files replicated on the other side. Enjoy!

Built-in help

You can obtain details on all the NetX I/O by running the CLI tool with the '-help' flag:

Merge and Sync modes are experimental and are not supported for use in mission-critical environments. Use at your own risk.

Running multiple NetX I/O processes on a single workstation

There are cases where you may want to run multiple instances of NetX I/O on a single workstation — and that's perfectly fine. However please ensure that each instance uses its own local storage and sync folders. Do not attempt to run multiple instances of NetX I/O CLI with a shared local storage directory!

If you're using a config file (see details below), and order to identify the various processes running presumably in the background, you can add a -D parameter to java. The '-D' is normally a mechanism for passing name+value pairs to the JVM. However, the JVM is happy to ignore directives it doesn't understand. So you can add something like 'clientId=35' to the command-line argument so that if you need to query the process table (speaking specifically of Unix platforms here — Linux and Mac), you can see that argument there.

If you want to do this, you must add the '-D' flag before the reference to Eg:

Doing this means that if you type this on a Mac:

You might see something like this:

Using a config file instead of command-line arguments

You can also set all your NetX I/O options within a configuration file. In this scenario, you only set the configuration file (the '-config' option) in the command-line. Like this:

Here's what an example configuration file might look like:

Note that option names are separated from their corresponding values with an equals sign (=). Also, do not wrap config values with quotes (like you might do on the command-line). Additionally, please note that command-line arguments that require no arguments — like 'debug' in this example — can be set with a value of 'true'.

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I/O lock file behavior

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What happens with NetX I/O CLI if the last execution is still running when cron tries to execute again? The lock file should stop it from executing concurrently. NetX I/O writes a lock file IF there's a configured 'localStorageDir'. There, it will write a tmp file with a timestamp. And that will regulate how often another NetX I/O process — configured with the same localStorageDir — can run. For 'loop' based tasks, the time-lock is twice as long as the loop. If not, it's 30 mins. This file is then periodically updated throughout the processing of the run. The reason for the timestamp is so that if NetX I/O terminates unexpectedly and the lock file is left there, later runs of other I/O processes can note that the lock file itself is 'stale' and proceed regardless.

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