Arma 3 Ace 3 Tutorial


1. Overview Max Blood Objects. By default this setting is set to 500, ideally this number shouldn’t be set too high as excessive amounts will cause FPS drops. Blood Lifetime. Blood droplets are still classed as objects, this sets the timer at which they will be cleaned up and removed. By default this is 15 minutes. The forms and on armadev about creating units with ace damage. Hope this helps you guys too. ACE3 is a joint effort by the teams behind ACE2, AGM and CSE to improve the realism and authenticity of Arma 3. If you want to contribute something to ACE3, simply fork the GitHub repository and submit your pull requests for review.

This guide will explain how to get ACE3 up and running.

2. Prerequisites

  • Download CBA.
  • Download ACE3.

3. Install ACE3

  • Extract both CBA and ACE3 .zip files into your Arma 3 folder. By default it is located in:
    • 32-Bit - C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Arma 3/
    • 64-Bit - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Arma 3/
  • After extraction you should have the @ace and @CBA_A3 folders inside your Arma 3 folder.

4. Install ACE3 Optional components


Skip this step if you're not using additional mods. If you are, consult with your mission maker before installing any of these components. If you are a mod creator, please visit the Modularity and PBO Structure page for more information.

4.1 What do they do?

Optional components supplement 3rd party mods with ACE3 features, for example:

  • Optional weapon components make Advanced Ballistics possible, as well as the ability to use ACE3 weapon attachments with 3rd party weapons like RHS, HLC, etc.
  • Optional tracers component brings back ACE2 ball tracers.
  • Optional server component is used to load the userconfig files.

4.2 Which optionals should I use?

Only use the optional components that correspond with your mod-pack.


4.3 How to install these components?

  • Inside your Arma 3@ace folder, you’ll find the optionals and addons folders.
  • Inside the Arma 3 folder create a new folder e.g. Arma 3@ace_optionals and a subfolder Arma 3@ace_optionalsaddons
  • Copy and paste the relevant .pbo and .bisign files from the Arma 3@aceoptionals folder into the Arma 3@ace_optionalsaddons folder.

4.3.1 Alternative method to install optionals

  • Inside your Arma 3/@ace/ folder, you’ll find the optionals and addons folders.
  • Copy and paste the relevant .pbo and .bisign files from the optionals folder into the addons folder.
  • Copy and paste the userconfig folder from the optionals folder into root Arma 3 folder.

5. Launch Arma 3 with ACE3

  • Launch Arma 3 to start the official game launcher.
  • Click Mods and make sure the checkboxes next to ace and CBA_A3 are ticked.
  • Click Play

6. Alternative launch methods

6.1 Swifty

Arma 3 ace keysArma 3 ace 3 sniping tutorial
  • tbd

Arma 3 Ace 3 Tutorials

6.2 Arma3Sync

Arma 3 Ace 3 Tutorial Pc

  • Inspect Addon Options and verify the Addon Search Directories are leading to your Arma 3 folder.
  • Return to the Addons tab and click Refresh.
  • Right-click inside Addon Groups, click Create Group and give it a name.
  • Drag and drop @ace and @CBA_A3 from Available Addons into the new Group you created inside Addon Groups and make sure the checkboxes are ticked.
  • Click Start Game